Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The efficient will inherit the Earth

We have all heard the saying, "Fortune favours the bold." I would argue that reality is closer to "Fortune favours the ballsy." All truly great things have been achieved in a disruptive manner by those who acted, seemingly, without an ounce of sanity. While it may seem easy to sit on our hands while the world unfolds before us or to accept the food that has been placed on our plates with a grand smile and say, "Please sir, may I have some more?" I would argue that life is best lived when we demand the world bend to our will and deliver us only that which we create.

Many of us probably don't give any thought to the wonders of our age. We live in an era of unheard of possibilities for the creative mind. For the first time in history the entertainment of all mankind is not only a possibility, but it is a demand of the species as a whole. For better or for worse, today's technology affords human beings an almost infinite capability for self expression, and that capability is expanding and changing each and every day. As the gamer generation, we have grown up with technology the likes of which has never been seen before in human history. Though each age has its own technological marvels, there has never been an age in which change can come so quickly and affect so many people so rapidly as the age in which we currently live.

All of this is largely unimportant until you consider the realities of human history. Our ancestors have experienced brief ages of brilliance, perhaps even some not so brief, but they have all fallen to mediocrity and commonness. I would wager the reasons for this are numerous and complicated but to simplify for our short attention spans it is the nature of our humanity which dulls even the brightest spots of our potential, for it is the nature of our species, and indeed that of our universe, to find the easiest path to equilibrium and then rest there until otherwise disturbed.

Like a chemical reaction or a human revolution, great things happen during turmoil, but there is a unstoppable natural force pulling everything to the lowest energy state, desperately searching for the lowest common denominator: mediocrity.

Those of us involved with video games, gamers or game developers matters not, can already see the clean cut efficiency creeping into our wonderful little creativity experiment. We are already seeing the parallels between the gaming and motion picture industry, with decreasing propensity for new intellectual property and massive advertising campaigns propelling a growing audience of patrons to the most efficient level of entertainment, the almighty mean. And although mean reversion is a universal inevitability, we do have the unique opportunity as the users of this medium to resist this force for longer than is normally possible because of the dynamic nature of this medium.

I am not condemning the industry for backing a winning horse or for following the most efficient and profitable model for making video games, so please do not misunderstand me. We all understand that in order to make truly remarkable and well developed games can cost staggering amounts of investment dollars. What I mean to say is that our industry does not need to follow in lock-step with the film industry simply because it is in the entertainment realm.

Games are about fun, and fun is term which is hard to define. Fun is not simply entertainment because fun implies interaction and participation. While reading or watching film or theatre is largely a passive exercise, games must be played and as such require conscious effort to be enjoyed. This inherent nature demands innovation.

As a novice game developer the question of 'what makes a game fun' is of great interest to me, and I hope that through this forum we can explore what makes games fun for you in the hopes that we can become more sophisticated gamers and hopefully drive this industry towards disequilibrium. Fun is not like other nature systems which desire to be brought to the mean, to rest, to the lowest energy state. Games can be exciting, moving, interesting, methodical, hectic, frustrating, social, solitary or just

Everyone has a Top 5 List of know those games that seemed to change the way you think about your world, your life, and yourself. Let's demand more of ourselves and more of our industry and start talking about what makes our favourite games so great, how they were innovative and how we can help create and encourage more of these games that blow our minds.

Be frank, be honest, be brutal...but be active. Fortune favours the ballsy, so let's get started!

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